g50) Miscellaneous pages index

........F.90 Interesting advertisments from old magazines
g61 Radio stations. (Rogaland radio LGB/LGQ)
.........g67. Over horizon troposcatter radiolink stations
*** The Boat-Engine "Björnen" (Mandal Slip & Mek. Verksted)
..... g97. ISDN (Innovation Subscriber Don't Need)
g51 Strangelous mountains
V1. Valve data
V91. General information, om norske og engelske rundkjøringer
[900] "Skeinelöyse köyregreier"
g98. Scandinavisk teknsik orldiste

g4 power supplies main page

g1. Power supplies:
12.6V 4A power supply
14V 45A kraftforsyning
Constructional principles for power supplies
LM3909 LED Flasher.
Negative bias supply using NE556
Reusing PYE Cambridge power supply for some other surplus equipment

g2. Surplus Power Supply Notes (PSU)

g3 Mains adapters / Batterieleminatorer
e96 power supplies for German surplus equipment
e97 power supplies for German surplus equipment
d4 Reusing transformers from microwave ovens
g11 Tandberg Huldra 4

g21 components and hardware, pupin coils (77 and 88mH)
g22 "undrer om mand nogen gang faar brug for dette"
g23 LA7MI piston type attenuator for signal generator

g30 radio related topics
g31 Various notes for BC receivers

g32 BC receivers techniques and audio.

g33 Valve technik
g34 Valve technik / Rørteknikk

g36 Communication receivers and DF equipment

g37 IF standards

g41 AM quasi synchronous detectors

g42 Selcall- og tonedekodere

g43 Telegraph equipment
g44 telephones and accessories
g45 RTTY- and CW-demodulation techniques

g99. Statistics for this home page
899 Liste over brukte gif-type-symboler (Kun til redigering)
994. Index of all pages on this site

