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n72) Feldfunksprecher.b und c

c21. Negadyne receiver using single valve
Tnx SM6HYG Carl-Gustaf

d2. Driving VHF/UHF/SHF equipment

c21. Problems and cures for DC-receivers
c24. constructing coils
d27. NMT450 for NRRLs medlemmer???
g64. Subsea cables during WWII

e97. LA6NCA power supplies for German equipm.

22b. AGC performance measurements for KwEa

g32. Hidden features and very high-Q IF transformers
for BC receivers

d2. Cathode bias regulator for power amplifier

e81) RV2P800 data

Improving Collins 51S AGC for ssb

d4. Rewinding microwave oven transformer

K2VOO shows a practical application for W.S.19

LA6NCA in action at NRHF meeting last october

c23. Grounded collector amplifiers

d7. Installing 70cm transverter

m11. Building a resonance frequency tester

k33. MKB Marka

k33. MKB Stave (Lista vest)

c12. VSWR detector for RF wattmeter

d6. 6m PA using 2x PL509 (and 2x PL504 for 2m)

Collins 51S mods.

g1. Building power supplies for the shack

c18) OZ7AQ's ELBUG

b89. Timewave DSP9 mods and operation in a shack
with more than one receiver/transceiver

Hallicrafters R-274/FRR
(= Hammarlund SP600)

24z) Funk-Blindflug-Geräte

f21. Making tuning knob for KwEa

f21. Old sockets and grid-caps

b51) FT101 key mods

31a. Connection for Feldfernschreiber to

g57. SST-1-D clandestine receiver

30n. 5W Tornistersender

e67. VHF Radiosonde using RL2T2

23g. Polish WWII radio
N2 (AQ2/4).

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Edited: 2005.02.04