k59 (WPG) is moved to
page k63
FluWa - Flug-Melde-Organisation
listening posts in Southern Norway 1940-45
Listening post (see the book
"Terschelling en zijn rol in de Luchtoorlog
"Tigerstelling"" written by P. van Leuwen)
Documented sites as far as I've been around or received material
from other sources:
Translation for the German names:
Arnika=Arendal (Tromöy) | Flieder=Flekkerö (Kristiansand) |
Fliege = Fedje or Florö | Fichte = Fedja/Herdla |
Frauenschuh= Ferkingstad (Karmöy) | Glockenblume = Gossen |
Hainbuche=Hankö | Königkerze=Kragerö |
Linde=Lista | Nussbaum=Nesodden |
Salbei = Sandö/Florö | Sauerampfer = Sandvär |
Steineiche = Sandvik (Stadlandet/north of Malöy ) | Storch=Stord |
Storchschnabel = Stolmen | Tanne = Tarva. |
Thymina = Titran (on Fröya) | Trauerweide = Tronsaasen |
Veilchen = Vigra (Aalesund) | Wacholder=Varhaug |
Another map showing
some of these positions:
Flugmeldedienst in Süd-Norwegen im Mai 1945, see also page 33a
e98 Tactical radars
k51 German
radar stations in this area
What happened to the German radar stations in Agder after the War
German radar stations in Rogaland
995 Index for all the different
pages (Norwegian and English text) [without hyperlinks]