n82: Transmitter techniques

B. Amateur radio rigs and mods.
d. VHF/UHF/SHF Technik
g34 lesser known valve technik
c11. technical topics I
c12. technical topics II
c13. Technical reflections III
c14 Reflecties door LA8AK
c21. QRP techniques
d12) LA6LCA's high level 2m ssb transceiver concept
n12 broad-band ferrite transformers used in solidstate Power Amplifiers
n13: Amateur radio technical notes
n14. Transistor data for bias regulator construction
n15) 40W 80m PA-trinn med FETs (Norwegian text)
C51. TVI filters for HF and VHF
G3SEK. Better understanding how things work

C99. Coax-overganger og kontakter (Norwegian text)
994 technical topics index
n11 curing EMC problems on telephone lines
n16 SRA-1H mixer experiments, High level IF buffer amplifier
n17 Beregning av båndpassfiltre med 2 avstemte spolekretser
n20 xtal oscillators




