g57. Clandestine sets

Links to other chapters and pages:
a. Antenna topics
b. Mods for recent amateur radio equipment
c. Technical reflections (Reflecties door LA8AK)
e. WW2 German electronic surplus equipment
f. Surplus equipment
L. VLF, MF and 136kHz equipment ideas
m. Measuring equipment
g32 Telephone, Telegraph (RTTY) equipment
g34 discovered valve technique and later developments
61. AN/GRC-5, AN/GRC-9 and other (not ready - only pictures)

Norwegian "Olga" WW2 clandestine transceiver (sometimes incorrect named "Svenskesettet" = "the Swedish set")
It was made to look like "homebrew" and used components from different sources, so the
Gestapo should not so easy trace where it could have been made. See www.nrhf.no for more
details and problems obtaining the components.



Radiostasjonen Olga (Det svenske sett)
The transmitter is continous or xtal controlled, valve 6L6G.
The receiver covers 3.5-7 and 7-16MHz, valves 2x ECH21 and 6C8G.
The power supply operates from 220VAC or 6VDC, Valve 6X5
(Source: LA - The NRRL Bulletin Nr.2 Mai 1946)

SST-1-D, transmitter part of the SSTR-1 agent set
see more info on http://www.militaryradio.com/spyradio/sstr1.html

51'1 Sweetheart micro-current receiver

Info fra
Salve Staubo Sambandssjefen for Milorg`s sentralledelse
fra januar 1943 til 15 juni 1945, se

