22a. Tornister-Emfänger 'Bertha', Torn.E.b

Fritz Trenkle:
Die deutschen Funknachrichtenanlagen bis 1945.
Band2 "Der zweite Weltkrieg" ISBN 3-7785-2034-2


  Links to other pages:
  22d. Tornisterempfänger Spez. 445 Bs = 24b-306
22h. Funkhorchempfänger 'c' und 'u', Fu.H.Ec and Fu.H.E.u
22b. Data and and modifications for Kw.E.a and Lw.E.a
  E97 Modern 12V solidstate power converter


Torn.E.b/24b-305 versions 1938 and 1943

VLF/MF/HF receiver (1943), different type plates over the years...

Torn E.b/24b-305
Frquency range: 96,6 ... 7095kHz
Circuit: 4x RV2P800 as RF, RF, Detector, Audio output (with audio filter)
Power requirement: 2V 0.8A, 90V 10mA. Automatic bias from anode current.
Power supplies. EW.b and WS(E)bfor 2V, EW.c, EW.c1 and WS(E)c/c1 for 12V.

While it seem to be only one standard version used in Germany, it is three versions in Sweden,
but verion 1 and 2 differs only in that the second has a resistor in battery box for 2,4V battery,
the third version has 4x RV2,4P700 and covers a higher frequency range (195 - 15430kHz).
I was surprised to discover that the German manual for Torn.E.b/24b-305 dated april 1938 claims
frequency range of 97-6670kHz,
while the Swedish book dated 1942 is correct. I have never seen
the low range, and my own Torn.E.b/24b-305 dated 1938 (S/N 76788) has the 96,6...7095kHz range.

The near a douzen receivers I've seen have all the same frequency range. Wrong information in documents
seem not unusual in these books, and unfortunately they seem to have been copied in many articles
and as such may seem to have been a sort of truth after some years.

It was also some German variants, one was xtal controlled, but they might have been extremely rare.

Circuit diagram is shown on
page 901

4x RV2P800

EW.b (Zerhacker) Vibrator converter, see pg 28b

EW.c (Zerhacker) Vibrator converter, see pg 28b

see page 28c for power supply considerations using different equipment with the same power supply cables

f16) A simple way to connect a loadspeaker to Torn.E.b, Kw:E.a, Lw.E.a, Fu.H.E.c, Ukw.E.e etc

Swedish documentation

More info:

Hans-Joachim Ellissen: Die deutschen Funknachrichtenanlagen bis 1945,
Band 3: "Funk- und Bordsprechanlagen in Panzerfahrzeugen"
ISBN 3-928388-01-0 (printed 1991), see pg 186.."33. Umformer und Wechselrichter"

Technical articles under preparation (received from PA0SE Dick Rollema):
10a Introduction to German World War II Radio Equipment
12a. German World War II Radio Equipment - Köln E52 receiver - part 1 (PA0SE Dick Rolema)
12b. German World War II Radio Equipment - Köln E52 receiver - part 2 (PA0SE Dick Rolema)
12c. Lorenz Shortwave Receiver Lo6K39a (Lo6L39), The ultimate TRF set [PA0SE]
12d. Telefunken World War II Superheterodyne Receiver Kw.E.a (Lw.E.a) [PA0SE]
12e. Telefunken World War II Universal TRF receiver Torn.E.b [PA0SE]

I enjoy collecting these items and I will show them on my website for others to enjoy. I am not interested in selling them, however - please do not ask.
Instead, I hope to help others who collect this type of gear and would like to hear from them

All incoming mails are filtered using MailWasher, so please use an intelligent title so it is possible to distinguish between friends and spammers.

Correspondence: You may write in English or German, Danish or Swedish, but I will reply in English (or Norwegian)

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