equipment described
in Practical Wireless,
Radio Communication, Electron(Dutch)
and few other magazines, see pg94
This page will not be indexed
by Google
e71. Some books to consider,
e71 US Army information about
German equipment
e77. Content of "Fritz
Trenkle" books
e78) Index for Scandinavian
articles about surplus equipment
e11 Receiver Intermediate
Frequency List
e12) Data for German
communication receivers
e86) Some info and data for
German valves and later reinventions in MOCKBA, CCCP
Hallvard Torgersen, LA2AD: Tyske
radiorør (1946)
Valved Communications Equipment - Practical
wireless (PW) <Updated 02.10.30>
Electron (Dutch national amateur radio magazin)
TTS= Technical topics Scrapbook 1985-1989
PW May 83 pp.60: A rig of the mid-thirties
PW JUL 83: Save a Vintage Radio for Posterity
PW Sep 83 pp 48-51: Amateur Wireless Before 1914 (1) G6JP
PW Oct 83 pp 30-32: Amateur Wireless Before 1914 (2) G6JP
PW Jan 85 : National HRO (6D6, 6D6, 6C6, 6D6, 6D6, 6B7, 42, 6C6,
PW Mar 85 : R1155 (part one) circuit diagram, DF circuits
V1=V2 VR99A/ECH35 Visual DF switching, V3 VR100/KTW62 RF amp
V4 VR99/X66/6K8 mixer/LO, V5=V6 VR100/KTW62 IF amp, V7
V8 VR101/MHLD6 demodulator, DF meter limiter, AF out, V9
VR102/BL63 DF switch
V10=VI102 tuning indicator(magic eye)
PW May 85 : R1155 (part three)
PW May 85 : HRO - A postscript
PW Jan 86: R107 Circuit diagram, testing, alignment,
V1 ARP34/EF39 RF amp V2 ARP34/EF39 Mixer V3 AR21/EBC33 Local osc
V4 ARP34/EF39 IF amp, V5 ARP34/EF39 IF amp, V6 AR21/EBC33 Det/AF
V7 AR21/EBC33 AF output, V8 AR21/EBC33 BFO.
PW Feb 86 pg.44-48: Modifying the 88 Set
PW Jun 86: CR100/B28 circuit diagram and alignment aid
V1 VR100/KTW62 RF amp, V2 VR100/KTW62 RF amp, V3 VR99/X66/ECH35
V4 VR100/KTW62 Osc, V5 VR100/KTW62 IF amp, V6 VR100/KTW62 IF amp
V7 VR100/KTW62 IF amp, V8 NR68/DH63 duo-diode-triode, V9
NR85/ARP17/KT63 AF
V10 VR100/KTW62 BFO (KTW62 - nearest equivalent is 6U7G.... 6K7)
PW Apr 86: Fu.H.E.t Escorial (AF3, 4*AF7,
AB2, 2*AC2, AL4, AZ1) 65kHz-20.8MHz
PW Aug 87: RCA AR-88D General description, circuit diagram,
PW Sep 87: Hallicrafters S-27D - circuit diagram, psu, servicing,
(V1-956, V2-954, V3-1852/6AC7, V4-1853/6AB7, V5-6SK7,
V7-6AC7/1852, V6-6H6,
V8-6H6, V9-6C8, V10 VR150, V11=V12=6V6, V13 5Z3, V14-6J5,
PW Nov 87: Hallicrafters 5-T (6A7, 6F7, 75, 42)
Hallicrafters S-19R 'Sky Buddy' (1938) (6K8, 6K7, 6Q7, 41, 76,
PW Dec 87: Hammarlund Super-Pro SP-100
PW Jun 88: RCA AR-77 circuit diagram and alignment aid
V1 6SK7 RF amp, V2 6K8 Mixer, V3 6SK7 IF amp, V4 6SK7 IF amp,
V5 6H6 Det/Lim, V6 6SQ7 AF/AGC, V7 6F6 AF O/P, V8 6SJ7 BFO
PW Jul 88: Collins TCS
V1 V131/12SK7 RF amp, V2 VT161/12SA7 mixer, V3 12A6/VT134 Osc
V4 =V5 VT131/12SK7 IF, V6 Detectors , V7 12A6/VT134 AF outp
PW Sep 88: BC-348 (Part 1) - 2 different types
PW Okt 88 pg 46-48: BC-348 (part 2) modifications
PW Dec 88: DST-100 (Part 1) Block diagram, circuit description
PW Jan 89 pg 23-25: DST-100 (part 2) circuit diagram, To Modify
or Not
[CV21/VP41 2*ARTH2/ECH35 3*6J5G 2*ARP34/EF39 6B8G 6R7G 6H6G 6Q7G
PW May 89 pg 37-40: Collins 75A-2 with circuit diagram
[Valves: 6AK5/EF95(6CB6), 6BE6(6BA7), 12AT7/ECC81,
3*6BA6/EF93, 6AL5/EAA91, 12AX7/ECC83, 6AL5/EAA91, 6AQ5/EL90,
5Y3GT, 2*6BA6/EF93, 6AL5/EAA91]
PW Jul 89 pg 36-40: Re-creating Scott-Taggart's ST300 of 1932 (3
Electron Okt 88 pp 494 Mark XV Zender en ontvanger (Paraset)
circuit diagram
Electron Okt 88 pp 496 Poolse zendontvanger AP4 en AP5 -circuit
Electron Okt 88 pp 496-497 Zendontvanger BP3 (2-8MHz) BP4
Electron Okt 88 pp 497-502 De radio's van de SOE
Electron Okt 88 pp 499 Schema van de ontvanger van de B2
Electron Okt 88 pp. 499 Zendgedeelte van de B2 (circuit diagram)
Elektron Okt 88 pp 501 Schema van de "A Mark III"
Electron Jul 89. pp347 Amerikanse geheime-agentene-radio RS6
Electron Jul 89. pp348 Zender van de RS-6 (circuit diagram) RT-6
Electron Jul 89. pp349 Ontvanger van de RS-6 (circuit) RR-6
Electron Sep 89. pp451-455 Afu-Gerte (2 circuits for rx and
2 for TX)
Electron Sep 89 pp.454 De NEI-set III (E75 ontvanger, S85/14
Electron Okt 93 (PA0SE): 'Super Gainer' Receiver (1936-1937)
(6F7, 6A6)
Electron Jul 93: Dumpsets PRC-8, 9, 10 (AN/PRC-8?) - PA0TLX -
Electron Sep 95 pp367. Surplus Radio Society
Electron sep 95 pp 370 'Storingsvrie-antenne'
Electron sep 95 pp 368-370 Nog een "moffenzeef"
Electron mai 1991 122-123 MK122 geheime agenten radio
Electron Juni 96 Tornisterfunkgerät
228-231 (PA0SE)
Electron Augustus 96 Nochmal Tornisterfunkgerät
b1, 321
Electron Augustus 96 Zendeontvanger
Hagenuk type Ha5K39b, 321-324 (PA0SE)
Electron November 96 15-Watt
Sender-Empfänger b (15W.SE.b), 460-464
Electron februari 96 Receiver and transmitter development in
Germany 1920-1945 50-51 PA0AOB
Practical Wireless, Valve&Vintage column:
PW Jul 90 pg 26-29 Valve Technology & Characteristics (Part
1) Fundamentals
PW Aug 90 pg 33-36 Valve Technology & Characteristics (Part
2) Characteristic
PW Sep 90 pg 33-35 Valve Technology & Characteristics (Part
3) triodes
PW Nov 90 pg. 24-26 Valve Technology & Characteristics (Part
4) AF amplifiers
PW Jan 91 pg 51-52 Valve Technololy & Characteristics (Part
5) RF amplifiers
PW Jan 93 pp56 Using Those Versatile Vacuums (part 2)
PW Mar 93 pg. 64-65 Peter Jones 1928 'Selecta' Receiver, ...
PW Apr 93 pg. 48-49
PW May 93 pg. 48-49
PW Jun 93 pg. 48-49 ... Hallicrafter S-20R Receiver note, series
PW Jul 93 pg 48-49 19 set, The 1132A, Pilot Receivers, Octal
Valves, knickebein
PW Aug 93 pg. 48-49 German
aircraft equipment, Philco Rx, 19 set, B40 Rx
PW Sep 93 pg. 48-49 Collecting Old receivers,Blueprint service,
Knickebein beams
PW Oct 93 pg. 48-49 CR100, Churchill tank, Royal Navy, Military
wireless ARL ...
PW Nov 93 pg. 54-55 Honeycomb, HRO, Hallicrafters, VHF in
Spitfire Eddystone 358
PW Dec 93 pg. 46-47 ..... Books for collectors, R109
PW Jan 94 pg. 46-47: Marconi CR100, one valved
receivers,....hospital radio
PW Feb 94 pg. 34 The Eddystone Radio Story
PW Feb 94 pg. 26-28: WS19, WS22
PW May 94 pg. 50-51: Wartime Civilian Receiver, Replace
capacitors ...
PW Jun 94 pg. 40-41: Wireless set 11 (only pictures and text)
PW Jul 94 pg. 48-49; Canadian 58 set, 18 set, 38 set (only
pictures and text)
PW Aug 94 pg. 50-51, RAF R1116 (pictures and text),.... German
paper capacitor
PW Sep 94 pg. 54-55, R1224A...
PW Oct 94 pg. 40-41: Post war portables, R209, R216...
PW Nov 94 pg. 66-67; WS 11, Fil.Voltage, miniature valves...
PW Dec 94 pg. 54-55
PW Jan 95 pg. 58-59: Philips PCR
PW Feb 95 pg. 24-43: Valve&Vintage Special
PW Feb 95 pg. 41: One valve miracle, 6CM5 xtal controlled TX
PW Apr 95 pg. 50-51: 52 set, 62 set, Philips PCR, Bush receivers,
PW May 95 pg. 54-55: Second World War receivers from Bush, R107
PW Jun 95 pg. 54-55: The 46 set (pictures)
PW Jul 95 pg. 54-55: B2 (pictures)
PW Aug 95 pg. 56-57: R1224, Alexandra Palace, Vintage Train, 1933
GEC set, ...
PW Sep 95 pg. 58-59:
PW Oct 95 pg. 42-43
PW Nov 95 pg. 68-69: HeathKit RA-1 Receiver
PW Feb 84 pg 34-36 The Origin of Radar (part one)
PW Apr 84 pg 39-42 Valve and Semiconductor codes and trade marks
PW May 84 pg 23-25 Let's build a Crystal set
PW Mar 84 pg 34-37 The Origin of Radar (part two)
PW May 86 pg 28-30 Versatile valve monitor/S-meter
PW Jan 87 pg 26-27 Valved Receivers - Further Thoughts
PW Jan 87 pg 30-32 Getting started... The Practical Way (GM3XFD)
PW Jan 87 pg 36-37 Cigarette Cards and Wireless
PW Nov 88 pg 22-25 Yesterday's World of Technology, Replika of
Wimhurst mach.
PW Oct 92 pg 34-35 The Three shilling 3-valve radio (Scott
Taggard 1932)
PW Oct 92 pg 36-40 Using those Versatile Vacuums (G4JCP) part one
PW Oct 92 pg 42-45 My sixty years of Amateur radio (G6XM)
PW Oct 92 pg 46-48 A magic eye Grid-Dip Oscillator
PW Oct 92 pg 50-51 Radio Amateurs Go to War (G2BZQ)
PW Jan 93 pg 56-57 Reflections; Early Wireless
PW jan 93 pg 55 Valve identification and coding
PW Feb 93 pg 43 Eddystone Radio
PW Feb 89 pg 28-30 RF power amplifiers - starting with Class A
PW Mar 89 pg 46-47 Class B, AB and C operation of rf power
PW Apr 89 pg 30-32 Amplitude modulator and SSB
PW Mar 89 pg 48-50 Wireless in 1928
PW Jun 89 pg 44 Balanced mixer using 12AT7/ECC81
PW Aug 89 pg 39 All about variable capacitors
PW Dec 89 pg 30-32 Impedance matching
PW Apr 89 pg 36-37 All About Lamps (2)
PW Apr 91 pg 19-22 A Valved Transceiver For 3,5Mc/s
PW Aug 83 pg 40-42 Are the voltages correct? (Part 14) Valve
see also:
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual - Vol 1 (1948) by R.C. Evenson
and O.R. Beach
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual - Vol 2 (1948) by R.C. Evenson
and O.R. Beach
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual - Vol 3 (1960) by W6SAI, Editors
and Engineers
Command Sets (1957)by W2NSD, W7NVY/K2VOO, WB8BAJ/K2OLK - Cowan
Publishing Corp
Particularly selected magazins:
Practical wireless = PW
Technical topics scrapbook = TTS
(reprint of articles from Radcom, technical topics - G3VA)
Practical wireless 2/86 44-48 Modifying the No. 88 Set
Practical Wireless 1/95 58-59 The Philips Communications Receiver
Pract. Wireless 2/95 Valve&Vintage Special
Pract. Wireless 11/95 Heathkit RA-1 amateur bands only comm.
Pract. Wireless 6/94 wireless set 11 (pictures)
Practical wireless 7/94 48-49 The Canadian 58 set, pictures
Practical wireless 10/94 40-41 R209 R216 pictures
Practical wireless 7/95 B2
Practical wireless 6/95 46 set
Practical wireless 11/94 WS 11 aerial coupling equipment
Practical wireless 1/87 26-27valved receivers - further thoughts
PW 7/88 32-35.. collins TCS
PW 9/88 22-24. BC 348(1)
PW 6/88 pp.18-20 AR-77
PW 12/88 pp 18-20 DST-100
PW 12/87 pp. 43- SP200
Pract.Wireless 8/87 AR88D
PW 6/86 32-37. CR-100
PW 1/86 28- R107
PW 5/85 32- R1155
PW 3/85 51- R1155
PW 1/85 36- HRO senior
PW 10/88 46- BC348(2)
PW 11/87 44- Hallicrafter sky buddy
PW 9/87 44- Hallicrafter S27
PW 5/89 37- Collins 75A2
PW 1/89 23- DST-100 (2)
CQ Oct 90. The Fusprech.f transceiver (SM5GDQ)
Radcom Nov 1987, TTS 202: Military equipment, Variometers
in German wartime... (FuG10)
Radcom Aug 85 + Sep 89, TTS pp43, 324-325: Radar history, 50th
anniversary, PYE IF strip
Radcom Jun85, TT: TTS pp34-35: Constant-k crystal filters
+ Köln
E52) PA0SE
Radcom Oct88, TTS 266: The Tonschreiber B - tape recorder
Radcom Mar92 pp39 TT Russian Belka M-2 three valve HF transcvr
Radcom May86, TTS 98 Wartime German suitcase transmitter SE90/40
Radcom Jul86, TTS 114 The Japanese HRO
Radcom Jan87, TTS 148 Mk.XV set and type 51/1 miniature
Radcom Jun87, TTS 177 Abwehr adapter transmitter for BC-receiver
Radcom Jul87, TTS 183 Telefunken 'B2' and British Mk123
Radcom Sep89, TTS 324. PYE Radar IF Strip (EF50)
Radcom sep99 -pp53-54 The Not-Invented-Here-Dyndrome,
SE108/10, Ha5K39,
E52, Mw.E.c
Radcom nov99 -pp64 Pentodes as double-diode-triodes, RV12P2000,
EF91/6AM6, EBC90
Radcom may 2000 -pp55-56 Ressurgence of Hellschreiber.
New HF digital modes
Radcom Jan 2000 -pp56-57 The
Köln E52 IF xtal filter (Mw.E.c),
Radcom Jul90 pp31 Polish clandestine radio AP5
Radcom May90 D/F Ground-wave HF signals, Telefunken PS7N
HF direction finder
Radcom Jan90 pp34 DASD one valve transmitter of 1937 (RS289)
Radcom Jun91 pp30-31 Detector/AGC circuits in KwEa
Radcom May91 pp32 The mystery of DAH50 valve (reflex-type Medium
Wave receiver)
Radcom Oct92 pp35 Anglo-Polish clandestine radios
Radcom Sep92 pp37 HRO variants and Super-Pro
Radcom Jan93 pp41 Vale - William Halligan, WB9AC (Hallicrafters)
Radcom Apr93 pp58-60 The world of telegraph and Keys (K4TWJ)
Radcom May94 pp52-53 Vintage receivers - AR88, HRO et al
Radcom Dec94 pp60-61 Military and clandestine radios of WW2
Radcom Dec94 pp62 Close-up of tuning capacitors and drive of Körting
KST receiver
Radcom Jun95 pp67 Morse keys - their story and their users
Radcom Mar97 pp71 Valve practice recalled
Radcom Jun97 pp63 SST-1-E transmitter (SSTR1 American clandestine
Radcom Apr97 Paraset MkVII/7 and Ha5K39
(Regenerative receivers)