Links to some other
Data for German radio comm. receivers
Technical notes for E52b receiver
e43 More
technical details for Mw.E.c
Technical articles under preparation
(received from PA0SE Dick Rollema):
10a Introduction to German World War II Radio Equipment
12a. German World War II Radio Equipment - Köln
E52 receiver - part 1 (PA0SE Dick Rolema)
12b. German World War II Radio Equipment - Köln
E52 receiver - part 2 (PA0SE Dick Rolema)
12c. Lorenz Shortwave Receiver Lo6K39a
(Lo6L39), The ultimate TRF set [PA0SE]
12d. Telefunken World War II Superheterodyne Receiver Kw.E.a
(Lw.E.a) [PA0SE]
12e. Telefunken World War II Universal TRF receiver Torn.E.b
MwEc (Gelbstrich)
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![]() RX seen from above |
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![]() RX seen from below |
(43) Medium wave communication receiver (0,83-3MHz).
It is a somewhat simplified version of the first version, you
easily see that coil and tuning capacitor sections are missed or
just empty holes.
Receiver data:
Ranges: 830-1600,
Circuit: 9x RV12P2000
1. RF amplifier, 2. Mixer, 3.
LO, 4. IF, 5. IF, 6.
Signal and AGC detectors + audio amplifier,
7-8. push-pull output stage, 9. BFO
An earlier version has two RF amplifiers.
IF: 352kHz, BFO: 353kHz.
DC power requirement: +12V 1.2A, +150V 30mA
Dynamotor for 12V operation: EU.a, EU.a1, EU.a2, EU.a3, EU.a4
Height 200mm, Width 313mm, Depth 180mm. Weight 13kg.
363kHz xtals used in
the receiver, they looks like
a low-profile EF11,
they were bought from German surplus dealer "auf dem
Schrottmarkt" at
Weinheim UKW Tagung for a reasonable price two years ago
dl9lx - not ready
Radcom Nov80 pp1157. TT Constant-k crystal filters in
Mw.E.c and E52
CQ-DL Mar. 85 pp138-140 was an article about MwEc xtal filter by
DL9LX Ulrich Fleischmann
Radcom Jun85, TT: TTS pp34-35: Constant-k crystal filters (Mw.E.c
+ Köln E52) PA0SE
Further info:
Hans-Joachim Ellissen: Die deutschen Funknachrichtenanlagen bis
Band 3: "Funk- und Bordsprechanlagen in
ISBN 3-928388-01-0 (printed 1991), see pg 121-125.
Technique of Radio Design, 2nd impression, 1943.
written around 1940 by E. E. Zepler
Lecturer at Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, and in the
University College, Southampton; Technical Consultant;
Sometime Head of Receiver Development Department at
Telefunken G.m.b.H.,
Research Engineer at Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co, Ltd.
(2nd impression 1943 - Chapman & Hall
Ltd, London WC2), Ph.D. in the book The Technique of Radio Design The book contains the following chapters: 1) Some fundamental theoretical facts 1-30 2) Transfer Energy from the aerial 31-49 3) The amplifier stage pp50-97 4) Problems of detection and frequency changing pp98-129 5) Selectivity pp130-152 ...[E52 and MwEc type IF xtal filters, ...T9K39 front-end selectivity] 6) Receiver Noise pp153-164 7) Gain control pp165-182 8) The priciples of screening pp183-205 9) Undesired feedback pp206-240. 10) Hum, spurious beats pp241-252. 11) Distortion pp253-263 12) Parasitic resonances pp264-268 13) Power supply pp269-278 14) Routine measurements pp279-295 15) Fault finding |
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I mentioned the reference to Zepler's book for Pat Hawker, but
replied that he had already drawn attention to this book in
Technical topics.
I don't have the book or copy for the relative long chapter 5
(pp130-153), it is referred to by Stein Torp, LA7MI
Stikkord: Tankmottaker Mw.E.c, Tank receiver, tank empfänger mwec
last update: 2004.04.05