23p) Philips H2L/7

Links to other actual pages:
11a. Main page for German Receivers
23q Philips HMZL34 / BX925
23r Philips DR25, DR38, DR42, DR78, DR85, DRG4
11c index to surplus equipment described on this site
53a. Main page for Dutch WWII equipment

Philips (Berlin) H2L/7

Click here to find the circuit diagram (pg 904) for Philips (Berlin) H2L/7,
since it must be gif file it is too large to show on this page, only for printer!

page-g96 Component list

Philips H2L/7

L1 HF-Röhre B442 (alternativ H410D)
L2 Audion-Röhre B424 (RE084k)
L3 NF-Röhre B424 (RE084k)
L4 Endröhre B443
Frequency coverage: 15-46, 46-135, 135-400, 400-1050, 1050-2750kHz
2.75-7.5, 7.5-9.6, 9.6-12.5, 12.5-15.7, 15.7-21.0MHz

Further info:

NSF-factory showing the H2L/7 (among other things)

PHI 1 UK 41 = DR25b



Last updated: 2004.07.08