d19. Microwave surplus parts
LO units and multipliers

NL-180 2700-channel 6.5GHz analogue RL

LO Assembly 10X166A (6.46-6.74G), 10X166B (6.8-7.08G), -24V 150mA, +24V 200mA
8UF99A 140 +/-20MHz IF power amplifier 2x BFR94, 0dBm input 25dB gain
87F23-1A WG filter (MA5757E6-S()()3-2 7448MHz R70 type WG
ARS-6 R70 WG attenuator
EN22A SMA tripler 20dBm in, 15dBm o/p (6480-7065MHz)
AAK30 WG to SMA transition

NL180. 9X169A/B/D RX LO Group 2.160-2.42GHz 20dBm o/p
RX Oscillator 9X169A (<2240MHz), 9X169B (>2240MHz)
9X169C +20dBm o/p +24v 75mA, -24v 190mA, insert facility. 2.16-2.42GHz
9XM181A LO w/AFC 2150-2250MHz or 2265-2360MHz
9XM183A LO with PLL 2160-2354MHz, >+20dBm o/p, -24V 200mA
AXF260 LO 2150-2250 or 2266-2360MHz, O/P >20dBm,
AXF273 LO 2160-2354MHz, O/P >20dBm

NL72/73 LO replacement units?

10XM280A 6GHz TX LO group (5993.80MHz)
9XM281A 1997.93MHz PLL osc
EN106A tripler 2>6GHz (SMA-SMA)
ED72a Detector LO

10XM282A 6GHz RX LO group 6245.84MHz
ARS42 R70 WG attenuator 6GHz
AAK29-2 WG to SMA transition
EN105A tripler 2>6GHz SMA-SMA
9X238D 2081.95MHz PLL LO
MA7Y050-87H68-8 2GHz circulator SMA

NL72/73 Original RX LO
10XU65A RX LO (6356MHz, xtal 117.7072MHz) 1mW O/P
10XU66 TX LO o/p=>20mW
ANM2 RX & TX 9x multiplier N to R70
9XM78A, 9XU72A, 9XU91A UHF Osc - not recommended for cw due to residual FM

NL175 6.7-7.1G 1920ch PCM RL

10NU292A TX Up-converter 140MHz to 6460-6740MHz o/p -5dBm, 140MHz I/P = 0dBm
10NU292B TX Up-converter 140MHz to 6800-7080MHz o/p -5dBm, 140MHz I/P = 0dBm
10N291A TX LO tripler for 6460-6740MHz
10N291B TX LO tripler for 6800-7080MHz
9X312A 2GHz TX Osc
10U234A/B 6.7-7.1G TX Power amplifier
10UP233A/B 6.4-6.8G TX Power amplifier

9X312A 2GHz oscillator module
AXF317 2GHz Oscillator

Telettra H17 (12GHz) - cheese-clock type radio link
Useful box for beacons
100MHz osc and tripler to 600MHz, tripler to 2GHz - this is perhaps not so interesting since it is low power and rather old.
Circulator with N connectors on 2GHz, tripler to 6GHz where the signal is splitted into two parts > ufb tripler!
one doubler to 12GHz - amplitude modulated for ASK-type PCM signal, perhaps not so interesting, R70 to R120 waveguide
another doubler to 12GHz for receiver, also not so interesting.
Normally Telettra seems to build good waveguide units which solve some problems amateur should be careful to copy,
like combination of coaxcable to waveguide technique, so it is just to install some higher power diodes for use today.

Telettra H25 7.7GHz 120channel analogue radio link
the only interesting part is the 2GHz exciter exciter, perhaps for 13cm packet radio or ATV? But it is an external phase modulator.

A useful book for finding VHF/UHF circuit diagrams and components (SSB Electronics 1984)

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